American Elm | Ulmus americana | |
Bald Cypress | Taxodium distichum | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/BaldCypress1.jpg) ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/Baldcypress2.jpg) |
Black Gum/Black Tupelo | Nyssa sylvatica | |
Black Mangrove | Avicennia germinans | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/blackmangrove.jpg) |
Black Olive | Bucida buceras | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/blackolive1.jpg) |
Bluejack Oak | Quercus incana | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/bluejackoak.jpg) |
Buckthorn/Tough Bumelia | Bumelia tenax | |
Buttonwood | Conocarpus erecta | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/buttonwood.jpg) |
Cabbage Palm | Sabal palmetto | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/sabal1.jpg) |
Cat Claw | Pithecellobium unguis-cati | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/catclaw.jpg) |
Chapman Oak | Quercus chapmani | |
Cherry Laurel | Prunus caroliniana | |
Coastal-Plan Willow | Salix caroliniana | |
Coconut Palm | Cocos nucifera | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/coconutpalm1.jpg) |
Dahoon Holly | Ilex cassine | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/DahoonHolly.jpg) |
Florida Privet | Forestiera segregata | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/Floridaprivet.jpg) |
Geiger Tree | Cordia sebestena | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/Geigertree.jpg) |
Gumbo Limbo | Bursera simaruba | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/Gumbolimbo.jpg) |
Hackberry | Celtis laevigata | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/hackberry.jpg) |
Hercules Club | Zanthoxylum clava-herculis | |
Ironwood | Eugenia confusa | |
Jamaica Caper | Capparis cynophallophora | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/jamaicacaper.jpg) |
Jamaica Dogwood | Piscidia piscipula | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/jamaicadogwood.jpg) |
Joewood | Jacquinia keyensis | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/joewood1.jpg) ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/joewood2.jpg) ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/joewood3.jpg) |
Laurel Oak | Quercus laurifolia | |
Live Oak | Quercus virginiana | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/liveoak.jpg) |
Loblolly Bay | Gordonia lasianthus | |
Long-leaf Pine | Pinus palustris | |
Mastic | Mastichodendron foetidissimum | |
Myrtle Oak | Quercus myrtifolia | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/MyrtleOak.jpg) |
Paradise Tree | Simarouba glauca | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/paradisetree.jpg) |
Persimmon | Diospyros virginiana | |
Pigeon Plum | Coccoloba diversifolia | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/pigeonplum.jpg) |
Pignut Hickory | Carya glabra | |
Pond Apple | Annona glabra |
Pond Cypress | Taxodium ascendens | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/pondcypress1.jpg) ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/pondcypress2.jpg) |
Pop Ash | Fraxines caroliniana | |
Red Bay | Persea borbonia | |
Red Mangrove | Rhizophora mangle | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/redmangrove.jpg) |
Red Maple | Acer rubrum | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/redmaple.jpg) |
Red Mulberry | Morus rubra | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/redmulberry.jpg) |
Red Stopper | Eugenia rhombea | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/redstopper.jpg) |
Royal Palm | Roystonea elata | |
Sabal Palm | Cabbage palm | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/sabalpalm.jpg) |
Sand Live Oak | Quercus virginiana geminata | |
Satinleaf | Chrysophyllum oliviforme | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/satinleaf.jpg) |
Sea Grape | Coccoloba uvifera | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/seagrape.jpg) |
Short-Leaf Fig | Ficus citrifolia | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/shortleaffig.jpg) |
Silver Palm | Coccothrinax argentata | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/silverpalm.jpg) |
Simpson Stopper | Myrcianthes fragrans | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/simpsonstopper.jpg) |
Slash Pine | Pinus elliottii | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/slashpine.jpg) |
Spanish Stopper | Eugenia myrtoides | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/spanishstopper.jpg) |
South Florida Slash Pine | Pinus elliottii var densa | |
Southern Magnolia | Magnolia grandiflora | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/southernmagnolia.jpg) |
Southern Red Cedar | Junperus silicicola | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/southernredcedar.jpg) |
Southern Sumac | Rhus copallina | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/southernsumac.jpg) |
Strangler Fig | Ficus aurea | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/stranglerfig.jpg) |
Swamp Bay | Persea palustris | |
Swamp Dogwood | Cornus foemina | |
Sweet Acacia | Acacia farnesiana | ![picture of protected tree](/dcd/PublishingImages/es/trees/treelist/sweetacacia.jpg) |
Sweet Gum | Liquidambar styraciflua | |
Sweetbay | Magnolia virginiana | |
Sycamore | Platanus occidentalis | |
Tallow Wood | Ximenia americana | |
Turkey Oak | Quercus laevis | |
Water Hickory | Carya aquatica | |
Water Oak | Quercus nigra | |
West Indian Mahogany | Swietenia mahogoni | |
White Stopper | Eugenia axillaris | |
White Mangrove | Laguncularia racemosa | |
Wild Tamarind | Lysiloma bahamensis | |