Employees who are ACA Eligible (Medical or Medical/FRS Only)
Under the Affordable Care Act, employees' benefits eligibility is determined by what type of position they are hired into. Your offer letter should include information about your benefits eligibility. If you are hired into a Medical/Pharmacy Only or a Medical/Pharmacy with FRS Only position, you will be eligible for Medical Benefits and our Employee Assistance Program but not all of our other benefits. If you move into a Full-Time position, your Benefits Eligibility will change and you will be eligible for all benefits. For now, you can review the ACA Benefits Guide below for further information. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact Human Resources.
ACA Benefits Guide
Medical and Pharmacy Coverage
Employee Assistance Program
Some ACA positions may also be eligible for FRS Participation – please refer to your offer letter or contact Human Resources to confirm your eligibility.
Florida Retirement Systems