Visits to Lee County
Visits to Lee County is a bar chart. Data is represented for years 1996, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015. Vertical axis represents the number of visitors. Horizontal axis represents the years. Since 1996, the number of visitors has increased by approximately 3 million.
Visitor Origin
Visitor Origin is a pie chart. Data is represented for 2015. The chart tracks visitors staying in paid accommodations where domestic travelers make up 75% and international the balance of 25%.
Visitor Spending
Visitor Spending is a bar chart. Data is represented for 1996, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015. Vertical axis represents the dollars spent. Horizontal axis represents the years. Since 1996, the number of visitors has increased by almost $2 billion.
Airport Traffic
Airport Traffic is a bar chart. Data is represented for 1985, 1990, 1996, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015. Vertical axis represents the airport travelers. Horizontal axis represents the years. Since 1985, the number of airport travelers has increased by more than 6 million.
Tourist Development Tax Collections
Tourist Development Tax Collections is a bar chart. Data is represented for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015. Vertical axis represents the tax dollars collected. Horizontal axis represents the years. Since 1990 the dollars have increase around $30 million.
Lodging Supply and Occupancy
Lodging Supply and Occupancy is a bar chart. Data is represented for 2006, 2010, 2015. Vertical axis represents the number. Horizontal axis represents the years. The supply range is from $3.7 million to $4.4 million and the occupancy range is from $ 2.1 million to $3 million - just under 50% to more than 70% of supply.
Average Daily Rates and Revenue Per Available Room
Average Daily Rates and Revenue Per Available Room is a line chart. Data is represented for 2006, 2010, 2015. Vertical axis represents dollars. Horizontal axis represents the years. The average daily rate range is from $120 to $145 and the revenue per available room range is $58 to $102.
Sales Leads
Sales Leads is a bar chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2013-14. Vertical axis represents the number of leads. Horizontal axis represents the years. The leads start at around 450 per year and rise to around 600.
Marketing Impressions Count
Marketing Impressions Count is a combination line and bar chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2012-13. Vertical axis represents the number of impressions. Horizontal axis represents the years. The impressions range from 500 million to over 700 million.
Social Media Followers
Social Media Followers is a line chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2015 for each month. Vertical axis represents the number of followers. Horizontal axis represents the months. The number of followers has grown each month to almost 600,000.
Social Media Engagements
Social Media Engagements is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2014. Vertical axis represents the number of engagements. Horizontal axis represents the years. The engagements are just over 2 million.
Website Stats
Website Stats is a bar chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2011-12. Vertical axis represents a count. Horizontal axis represents the years. There are two bars. The first bar displays unique visits which grew from 680,000 to almost 2 million. The other bar represents total page views which grew from 1.9 million to more than 5.8 million.
Website Leads
Website Leads is a line chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2012-13. Vertical axis represents the number of leads. Horizontal axis represents the years. The number has grown from 30,000 to more than 80,000.
Media Impressions
Media Impressions (U.S. Only) is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents the number of impressions. Horizontal axis represents the years. The impressions have grown from 378 million to more than 3 billion.
Media Visits
Media Visits is a line chart. Data represented is since 2006. Vertical axis represents the number of visits. Horizontal axis represents the years. The range is from 46 to 112.
Guests First Program Participants
Guests First Program Participants is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2010. Vertical axis represents the participant count per year. Horizontal axis represents the years. The range has grown from 100 to more than 1,600.
Certified Guests Service Professionals
Certified Guests Service Professionals is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2013. Vertical axis represents the certification count per year. Horizontal axis represents the years. The range has grown from 50 to more than 160.
Volunteer Hours and Visitors Assisted
Volunteer Hours and Visitors Assisted is a combination line and bar chart. Data represented is since 1990. The left side vertical axis represents the number of hours. Horizontal axis represents the years. The right side vertical axis represents the number assisted. The hours grew from less than 1,000 to almost 25,000. The number of visitors assisted grew from 13,000 to more than 200,000.