Number in Fleet
Number in Fleet is a pie chart. Data represented is from 2016. The slices show the various types of vehicles in the fleet: autos, light trucks, tractors and mowers, ambulances, etc. The largest slice is light tricks at 36%.

Work Orders Completed
Work Orders Completed is a bar chart. Data represented is quarterly for fiscal year 2015-16. Vertical axis represents the number of work orders.  Horizontal axis represents the quarters. The bar is stacked to show fleet shop vs. in field work. The average is around 2,000 work orders.

Preventive Maintenance Due vs. Completed
Preventive Maintenance Due vs. Completed is a combination bar and line chart. Data represented is quarterly since fiscal year 2014-15. Vertical axis represents the maintenance count. Horizontal axis represents the quarters. The bars show the maintenance due and the maintenance completed ranging from 1,200 to 1,600. The line shows the completion rate ranging from 82% to 93% on time. 

Fleet Availability
Fleet Availability is a line chart. Data represented is quarterly since fiscal year 2014-15. Vertical axis represents the percent of availability. Horizontal axis represents the quarters. Lines show the average availability by group: ambulances, cars/light trucks, and heavy trucks/equipment. There is an internal goal of 90% availability.

Cost per Mile Efficiency 1/2 Ton Pick-up
Cost per Mile Efficiency 1/2 Ton Pick-up is a line chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2011-12. Vertical axis represents the cost per mile.  Horizontal axis represents the years. The lines show the average maintenance and repair cost of $.12 per mile.

Fuel Usage by Type
Fuel Usage by Type is a bar chart. Data represented is quarterly for fiscal year 2015-16. Vertical axis represents the number of gallons quarterly.  Horizontal axis represents the quarters. The bars show the gallons for diesel averaging 30,0000; red diesel ranging from 80,000 to 100,0000; and gasoline averaging around 120,000.

Fuel Costs
Fuel Costs is a line chart. Data represented is monthly since FY 2010-11. Vertical axis represents the dollar. Horizontal axis represents the months. The lines show the average cost by type: gasoline, diesel, and red diesel. The range is from $1.42 to $3.92.
