Development Order Applications and Positions
Development Order Applications is a combination stacked bar and line chart. Data represented is by fiscal year since 2010-11. Left side vertical axis represents a count. Horizontal axis represents the years. Right side vertical axis represents positions. The bar displays limited development orders growing from 500 to more than 1,000 and full development orders growing from 40 to more than 110. The position count is at 12.
Average Days to Complete the Initial Submittal Review of a Development Order
Average Days to Complete the Initial Submittal Review of a Development Order is a line chart. Data represented is quarterly since fiscal year 2010-11. Vertical axis represents days. The lines show the trend for the initial review for full development orders between 15 and 24; the goal is 15. Another line shows the trend for the initial review of limited development orders between 6 and 13; the goal is 10.
Customer Service Call Volume and Wait Times
Customer Service Call Volume and Wait Times is a combination bar and line chart. Data represented is quarterly since fiscal year 2013-14. Vertical axis represents the call volume. Horizontal axis represents the quarters. The bar displays an average of 20,000 to 25,000 calls with an hold time of less than one minute.
Total Number of Permits and Positions
Total Number of Permits is a combination line and bar chart. Data represented is by fiscal year since 2010-11. Left side vertical axis represents a count of permits. Horizontal axis represents the years. Right side vertical axis represents positions. The bar displays permits growing from 22,000 to almost 32,000. The positions are at 15.
Economic Indicator Permits
Economic Indicator Permits is a line chart. Data represented is by fiscal year since 2010-11. Vertical axis represents a count of permits. Horizontal axis represents the years. The lines display four indicator permits: new commercial, pools, single family residential, and commercial remodels.
Residential Plan Review Days
Residential Plan Review Days is a combination bar and line chart. Data represented is quarterly since fiscal year 2013-14. Vertical axis represents the number of days. Horizontal axis represents the quarters. The bar displays a range of 9 to 19 days; the goal is 7.
Commercial Plan Review Days
Commercial Plan Review Days is a combination bar and line chart. Data represented is quarterly since fiscal year 2013-14. Vertical axis represents the number of days. Horizontal axis represents the quarters. The bar displays a range of 7 to 29 days; the goal is 21.
Code Violations and Positions
Code Violations is a combination area and line chart. Data represented is quarterly since fiscal year 2012-13. Left side vertical axis represents a count. Horizontal axis represents the quarters. Right side vertical axis represents positions. The area displays total violation cases ranging from 2,400 to 4,600. Cases are found by code officers or referred by the public. The line shows complaints submitted by the public ranging from 980 to more than 1,500. Positions are at 23.