Acres of Lee County Land Inventory by Department
Acres of Lee County Land Inventory by Department is a pie chart. Data is represented for 2016. The chart tracks acres of land used by each department. More than 50% of the pie is conservation 20/20 lands. The next largest slice is the port authority at more than 25%.
Lee County Real Property Inventory
Lee County Real Property Inventory is a pie chart. Data is represented for 2016. There are two categories: vacant properties at over 75% and improved properties just under 25%.
County Lands Active Projects by Department
County Lands Active Projects by Department is a pie chart. Data is represented for 2016. The chart shows the active projects by department. More than 50% of projects are for DOT and Utilities.
Acquisitions Completed by County Lands by Year
Acquisitions Completed by County Lands by Year is a bar chart. Data is represented since 2013. Vertical axis represents the number of acquisitions. The bars range from more than 60 to just over 100 acquisitions.
Title Examination Reports
Title Examination Reports is a bar chart. Data is represented since 2013. Vertical axis represents the number of examination reports. The bars average more than 200 reports.
Special Assessments Paid
Special Assessments Paid is a combination bar and line chart. Data is represented since fiscal year 2011-12. Left side vertical axis represents the dollars spent. Horizontal axis represent the years. Right side vertical axis represents the number of parcels. The total spent ranges from $136,000 to more than $200,000 and the parcels grew from 330 to 370.
Number of Applications and Parcels Returned to the Tax Roll
Number of Applications and Parcels Returned to the Tax Roll is a combination bar and line chart. Data is represented since fiscal year 2011-12. Left side vertical axis represents the dollars. Horizontal axis represents the years. Right side vertical axis represents the number of applications and parcels. The applications range from 15 to more than 50. The parcels back in tax roll range from 4 to more than 30. The tax dollars recaptured range from $250,000 to $750,000.